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Frequently asked questions

Why isn’t Tipmont building fiber internet to every co-op member?

Our commitment has always been to ensure every Tipmont member has access to broadband. As we near the end of electric service territory build, many of the remaining areas, or zones, are already served by an existing broadband provider.

Many neighborhood residents may be satisfied with their existing provider and do not want the temporary disruption of yards and property that comes with fiber-optic installation. It would not be a wise use of the Tipmont cooperative resources to build the fiber-optic service in areas where few residents would take the service.

We’re looking for your guidance to make an informed decision on whether or not to build our fiber-optic internet service in areas where an existing provider offers broadband service.

How do I know if my residence is in one of the Connection Conversation zones?

An interactive map is available on the homepage of this site. Please search or zoom in on your residence. If your residence is inside one of the orange polygons, please take the survey on this website to indicate your interest in Tipmont’s fiber-optic service.

What will determine whether Tipmont builds fiber-optic internet service in my neighborhood?

Mainly, you and your neighbors. This is your cooperative. You can get started by taking our fiber-optic service interest survey. We’ll take the data from that survey and begin discussions with involved members and neighborhood leadership later this year and into 2024.

How do I take the survey?
Please visit The brief survey will ask a few questions about you and your interest in Tipmont’s fiber-optic internet service. It also includes a speed test that will measure your current home internet speed.
Why does the survey include a speed test?

While we can make assumptions based on available data, we don’t have an accurate way to know what internet speeds are actually being delivered to your home. The speed test data will help us identify the actual internet speeds being delivered to your home by your current provider.

PLEASE NOTE: it’s important to take the speed test using your home internet service under the following conditions:

  • Using a wired connection to your router, if possible.
  • If no wired connection is available, ensuring the device you’re taking the survey on is close to your home internet router.
  • Ensuring no other devices are using your home internet connection when you take the speed test.
Will my survey data be shared with anyone else?
No. Your survey data will remain private to Tipmont and will not be shared with any third parties. We may share overall, neighborhood-level results with your neighbors and neighborhood leadership. We will not share individual results unless expressly granted permission.
How will fiber construction impact my property?

The fiber cable will follow the same path as the existing electric infrastructure. If you currently have underground electric service, your fiber optic cable will be buried in the same location. If your electric service is overhead, the fiber optic cable will run overhead, adjacent to the electric wire.

In high-population density areas such as residential neighboorhoods, we bury our lines as much as possible for both aesthetic and reliability benefits. The process of burying lines requires digging and trenching through yards. We hire professional landscaping crews to repair the damage. Depending on the time of year the work is done, the landscaping repairs may not be completed for several months.

Are there any materials I can share with my neighbors?
First, please share this website with them and ask that they take the interest survey! If you have additional questions, please contact Stacey Holton, Tipmont marketing director at
Why did Tipmont Wintek build to other areas first?
Our build order was determined by grant funding we received from state and federal sources. In most cases, the grant funding required those builds to be completed within a 24-month window. If your area did not receive grant funding, it was because broadband was determined to already be available or another provider already received funding to build in your area.
Will I have to sign a contract or pay installation fees?
That is a determination we’ll make on a case-by-case basis with each neighborhood. Our goal will always be to deliver the service with no contracts or installation fees.
What if I don’t have Tipmont as an electric provider?

If you live in Tippecanoe County, we do have plans to build in areas outside of our electric service territory, thanks to grant funding from the County Commissioners. Please visit for more information.

If you live in a split subdivision where half of your neighborhood is served by another electric provider, we encourage you to show your interest as well by taking the survey on this website.